Make sure those post-Christmas leftovers include protein

The Nordic pole supplier, Nordixx, shared some information about the importance of protein. Click through the embed to learn more.

Why morning walks?

This post from Australian Nordic walkers shows what it's like to watch the sun rise in the morning. That's one way to greet the day after Christmas.

Nordic walking on Global TV

This video clip gives a sense of how Nordic walking is good for all ages and conditions.

Maintaining and fixing the snap (external) locks of your adjustable Nordic walking poles

The video refers to trekking poles. The shafts and locks of adjustable trekking/hiking/walking poles are the same as the shafts and locks of adjustable Nordic walking poles

The video covers:
  • Fixing the lock when it doesn't tighten
  • Cleaning inside the poles

Live long and prosper

Have you heard of Blue Zones? I found a fascinating article about why we should know about them.

Key points:
  • "...the world consisted of at least five 'Blue Zones,...In this handful of hidden corners scattered across the globe...people were sailing past the 100-year mark with surprising frequency, and often avoiding dementia."
  • "People residing in these Blue Zones are outliving us because they have figured out what others have not...They consistently eat a healthful diet, and they also move around about every 20 minutes or so during each day."
  • "The homegrown, plant-based diets of the Blue Zones residents are only about half of the longevity equation...The rest is about making healthy choices the easiest ones by turning them into instinctual rituals of daily life that people don't have to think about or use willpower to fight for."
  • "If you want to live longer and be healthier, don't try to change your behaviors, because that never lasts for the long run...Think about changing your environment."

Look around you. How do your home, school, community, and workplace configurations keep you from optimizing your well-being?


I came across an intriguing article about how seriously the medical community is taking inflammation.

Key points:

  • "...persistent and severe inflammation in the body is often a precursor for heart disease, cancer, diabetes, kidney disease, diabetes and autoimmune and neurodegenerative disorders."
  • "...inflammation-related conditions as the cause of roughly 50 percent of all deaths worldwide."
  • "...inflammation as a naturally occurring response by the body's immune system that helps it fight illness and infection. However, when inflammation is chronic, it can increase the risk for developing potentially deadly diseases."
  • "...risk factors for chronic inflammation include obesity, poor diet, lack of physical inactivity, smoking, social isolation, stress and inadequate or poor sleep. Exposure to environmental and industrial toxins can also cause inflammation, as can infections, particularly when left untreated."

Getting better at Nordic walking

Shared by Nordixx.

Maintaining and fixing the spin (internal) locks of your adjustable Nordic walking poles

The video refers to trekking poles. The shafts and locks of adjustable trekking/hiking/walking poles are the same as the shafts and locks of adjustable Nordic walking poles

The video covers:
  • Fixing the lock when it doesn't tighten
  • Cleaning inside the poles

Prepare for snow on your walking path

It's almost time for snowfall if it hasn't fallen already. Check out some tips to keep your balance.

Teaching Nordic walking isn't that bad a gig

If you're a certified Nordic walking instructor, you can have some nice experiences prepping for sessions.

Happy Thanksgiving! Don't take your health for granted

Nordic Walking Guy prays for your good health, something we should never take for granted. Get out and exercise to stave off debilitating illness and take family members with you.

When family gathers around the Thanksgiving table, we think of what we've been through. It's also an opportunity to think about preventive measures.

Exercise can be one of those measures, especially for staving off cognitive decline. The research is showing that exercise can reduce the risk of cognitive illnesses like Alzheimer's. Some quotations from the article are below the embed. Click the link to read the whole thing.

Key point: "...exercise has beneficial effects, including slowing the rate of cognitive decline in healthy people as well as those at risk of dementia and those who already have it."

Other points:

  • "...aerobic exercise as the most effective type of physical activity and that it makes the most difference for those who are already at higher risk due to factors such as aging, cognitive impairment, and genetics."
  • "...healthy blood pressure and good cardiovascular health are really beneficial to the brain."
  • "...exercise could fight dementia by increasing the number of synapse connections, improving cell walls to allow for better exchange of nutrients, and improving vascular health."

Hills are wonderful

So it looks like I'm not the only one who tells those learning how to Nordic walk that they'll grow to love hills. The best part - hills provide interval training without having to think about it. On level ground, you probably have to consciously increase the intensity and consciously maintain it for a time period.

When you go uphill, all you have to think about is getting to the top because the hill and gravity take care of the rest.

International scope of Nordic walking

Around the world, people are serious about Nordic walking.

Wet or dry

Exercise is the gift you give yourself, even in bad weather.

Inspiration for Nordic walking

A sentiment from a 24-hour Nordic walking challenge. Here's a translated quotation (sorry - it's Internet-assisted, so it's a bit spotty):
I started by saying that I wasn't going to talk about a competition, but it's not true. It has been a competition. A competition in which the rivals have not been other people worried about going stronger and faster. 
The rivals are laziness, the alienating routine, the typical social common place of “it is necessary to be crazy to play sports under this rain and this cold”, the lack of curiosity about new experiences, “I will start tomorrow with the sport, which today it hurts me "," that is for elite and very competitive athletes ", the" buff, I have a mess of agenda that does not give me life ", etc, etc, etc.  
With things like the one we have done this weekend, it shows that if you try, sometimes (not always) you can achieve seemingly crazy, quirky or unattainable goals.


Built environments offer Nordic walking opportunities

Take a lesson from Nordic walkers in Australia and take advantage of the built environments in your area. Sidewalks and paths make for great Nordic walking. This is where you use the rubber boots on your poles rather than the metal tips.

Nordic walking at ASAHPERD Fall Conference 2019

I had the privilege of demonstrating Nordic walking to terrific PE teachers at the fall conference of Alabama State Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance.

Maintaining and fixing the snap (external) locks of your adjustable Nordic walking poles

The video refers to trekking poles. The shafts and locks of adjustable trekking/hiking/walking poles are the same as the shafts and locks of adjustable Nordic walking poles

The video covers:
  • Fixing the lock when it doesn't tighten
  • Cleaning inside the poles

Maintaining and fixing the spin (internal) locks of your adjustable Nordic walking poles

The video refers to trekking poles. The shafts and locks of adjustable trekking/hiking/walking poles are the same as the shafts and locks of adjustable Nordic walking poles

The video covers:
  • Fixing the lock when it doesn't tighten
  • Cleaning inside the poles


Although the emphasis is on the sciatic nerve, these are good stretches for overall well-being.

Reminder of 100 Alabama Miles Challenge

This entry from Australia's Nordic walkers at one of their sites made me think of the 100 Alabama Miles Challenge. Take advantage of what your state's parks have to offer and exercise at the same time.

Maintaining and fixing the snap (external) locks of your adjustable Nordic walking poles

The video refers to trekking poles. The shafts and locks of adjustable trekking/hiking/walking poles are the same as the shafts and locks of adjustable Nordic walking poles

The video covers:
  • Fixing the lock when it doesn't tighten
  • Cleaning inside the poles

Walk with purpose

Nordic Walking Guy's first rule backed up with research.

Walking groups are a thing

You should join other Nordic walkers and exercise together.

Nordic walking at Aldridge Gardens

Aldridge Gardens in Hoover, Alabama is a wonderful venue for Nordic walking.

Nordic walking meetup in Jefferson County (Aldridge Gardens) on 12/8

Join us on Sunday to find out what Nordic walking is all about! No charge; poles provided. Look for the white Nordic walking sign.
  • When: 2:00 PM, December 8
  • Where:  Aldridge Gardens. 3530 Lorna Rd, Hoover, AL 35216

We'll also connect people together to form walking groups so you can walk on your own with old and new friends.

Instructor: Leroy Hurt, ANWA-certified Advanced Nordic Walking instructor

Why Nordic walking?
  • Full body, low impact
  • Increase weight loss
  • Improve cholesterol
  • Improve blood pressure
  • Facilitate rehabilitation
  • Maintain stability and balance
  • Maintain posture
  • Facilitate stress relief
  • Support muscle toning
  • Improve cardiovascular function
  • Improve lung capacity
  • Support immune system
  • Socialize with walking companions
  • You determine the intensity of your workout

Learn more about Nordic walking at my Nordic Walking Guy blog and Nordic Walking Guy Facebook page.

Maintaining and fixing the spin (internal) locks of your adjustable Nordic walking poles

The video refers to trekking poles. The shafts and locks of adjustable trekking/hiking/walking poles are the same as the shafts and locks of adjustable Nordic walking poles

The video covers:
  • Fixing the lock when it doesn't tighten
  • Cleaning inside the poles

Getting support for making Nordic walking a priority in your life

If you're making Nordic walking a priority in your life, others like your family may be affected. Because integrating Nordic walking into your life may change how you do things, it would be a good thing to gain support for it. Michelle Segar (No Sweat: How the Simple Science of Motivation Can Bring You a Lifetime of Fitness) has these tips for you:
  • Let them know physical activity is now a priority. 
  • Discuss how your priority may change your schedule. 
  • Discuss how it would affect the way you have been doing things. 
  • Ask for support and sharing of responsibilities. 
  • Seek ways to involve others in your new priority.

Do what you love and the fitness will follow

Found by pole manufacturer Nordixx, this key point that "...improvement in mood after a session of prescribed exercise of moderate intensity" suggests it's time to get some coaching.

Everyone wants to lose weight, right!

Nordixx, a Nordic walking pole supplier, relayed some research findings about weight loss.

Parks are a great asset for walkers

In Australia as elsewhere, Nordic walkers take advantage of their community's parks.

Maintaining and fixing the snap (external) locks of your adjustable Nordic walking poles

The video refers to trekking poles. The shafts and locks of adjustable trekking/hiking/walking poles are the same as the shafts and locks of adjustable Nordic walking poles

The video covers:
  • Fixing the lock when it doesn't tighten
  • Cleaning inside the poles

Nordic walking is a great social activity

This piece shared by pole manufacturer about the benefits of social interactions reminds us to get involved with a walking group. Besides the future benefits, it's just downright fun.

Nordic walking meetup in Tuscaloosa County (Munny Sokol Park) on 11/16

Join us on Saturday to find out what Nordic walking is all about! No charge; poles provided. Look for the white Nordic walking sign at the trailhead next to the barn structure and across from the dog park.
  • When: 8:30 AM, November 16
  • Where: Munny Sokol Park (5901 Watermelon Rd, Northport, AL 35473)

We'll also connect people together to form walking groups so you can walk on your own with old and new friends.

Instructor: Leroy Hurt, ANWA-certified Advanced Nordic Walking instructor

Why Nordic walking?
  • Full body, low impact
  • Increase weight loss
  • Improve cholesterol
  • Improve blood pressure
  • Facilitate rehabilitation
  • Maintain stability and balance
  • Maintain posture
  • Facilitate stress relief
  • Support muscle toning
  • Improve cardiovascular function
  • Improve lung capacity
  • Support immune system
  • Socialize with walking companions
  • You determine the intensity of your workout

Learn more about Nordic walking at my Nordic Walking Guy blog and Nordic Walking Guy Facebook page.

A baker's dozen

This piece shared by pole manufacturer Nordixx makes this a Wellness Wednesday.

Maintaining and fixing the spin (internal) locks of your adjustable Nordic walking poles

The video refers to trekking poles. The shafts and locks of adjustable trekking/hiking/walking poles are the same as the shafts and locks of adjustable Nordic walking poles

The video covers:
  • Fixing the lock when it doesn't tighten
  • Cleaning inside the poles

Make your workouts fun

The Nordic walking pole supplier, Nordixx, found this article (summarized below the embed) about one way to make exercise fun.

The article described how exercise might be more engaging using gamification techniques. Gamification is integrating games into learning.

Key point: Researchers are studying "ways in which games applied to healthcare practices can impact everything from mental health to pediatric cancer."

Other points:
  • "Gamification shows promise, but long-term studies are needed to find the optimal blend of education and communication methods.”
  • "Adding a gaming component to fitness is exciting to me [one of the researchers] because it’s shown to help some people be more active simply because they like to play games."
  • One company, OliveX, "has developed several popular mobile fitness-motivating games."
  • "Associating exercise with my joy of games makes me [an exerciser] feel like I am playing a game rather than working out, and I can see that working for a lot of others."
What's one Nordic walking game idea? Try this out with your walking group:
  • 4 of you walk in single file.
  • The last person walks forward quickly and takes the lead.
  • The the next-to-last person is now the last person. 
  • That person walks forward quickly and becomes the new leader.
  • Keep doing it until everyone has walked from the back of the line to the front.
What you're doing is interval training. By walking forward quickly, you're speeding up and increasing your heart rate. Then you get to slow down and recover.

So today is National Dog Day

August 26 is National Dog Day, so celebrate humanity's long and fruitful relationship with dogs.

What does this have to do with Nordic walking? You may have thought you wanted to take up Nordic walking, but how in the world would you walk your 4-legged family member as well? Here are some ways people have done it.

This video shows you can let the dogs  walk with you off-leash.

This next video shows the walker holding leash and pole in one hand. She's using poles without Nordic walking gloves.

This third video shows a walking using a waist belt to which the leash is attached. It's inspired by the sport called canicross or skijouring, In the same way Nordic walking grew from cross country skiers who wanted to stay in shape without snow, canicross was developed by dog sledders who wanted to keep themselves and their dogs in shape during the off season.

Here's one last approach: use one pole, making sure your pole has quick release gloves. You can hold the leash in one hand and push off with pole on the other. That way, you can easily switch arms. You only need one pole because it's ambidextrous. The gloves are left and right-handed, so you just wear the gloves. You can easily hold the leash in either hand, allowing you to get the upper body benefit for which Nordic walking is known.

Here's a video. Notice the walker is pushing off with the pole with one hand and holding the leash with the other hand.

Happy walking!

Walking uphill

When going up hills, lean forward a bit, take longer strides, and drive with your poles. A great all-around workout.

Nordic walking meetup in Tuscaloosa County (Munny Sokol Park) on 9/14

Join us on Saturday to find out what Nordic walking is all about! No charge; poles provided. Look for the white Nordic walking sign at the trailhead next to the barn structure and across from the dog park.
  • When: 8:30 AM, September 14
  • Where: Munny Sokol Park (5901 Watermelon Rd, Northport, AL 35473)

We'll also connect people together to form walking groups so you can walk on your own with old and new friends.

Instructor: Leroy Hurt, ANWA-certified Advanced Nordic Walking instructor

Why Nordic walking?
  • Full body, low impact
  • Increase weight loss
  • Improve cholesterol
  • Improve blood pressure
  • Facilitate rehabilitation
  • Maintain stability and balance
  • Maintain posture
  • Facilitate stress relief
  • Support muscle toning
  • Improve cardiovascular function
  • Improve lung capacity
  • Support immune system
  • Socialize with walking companions
  • You determine the intensity of your workout

Learn more about Nordic walking at my Nordic Walking Guy blog and Nordic Walking Guy Facebook page.

Higher consciousness through higher intensity

Can we build up to the rest of the car?

Maintaining and fixing the snap (external) locks of your adjustable Nordic walking poles

The video refers to trekking poles. The shafts and locks of adjustable trekking/hiking/walking poles are the same as the shafts and locks of adjustable Nordic walking poles

The video covers:
  • Fixing the lock when it doesn't tighten
  • Cleaning inside the poles

Nordic walking meetup in Jefferson County (Aldridge Gardens) on 10/6

Join us on Sunday to find out what Nordic walking is all about! No charge; poles provided. Look for the white Nordic walking sign.
  • When: 2:00 PM, October 6
  • Where:  Aldridge Gardens. 3530 Lorna Rd, Hoover, AL 35216

We'll also connect people together to form walking groups so you can walk on your own with old and new friends.

Instructor: Leroy Hurt, ANWA-certified Advanced Nordic Walking instructor

Why Nordic walking?
  • Full body, low impact
  • Increase weight loss
  • Improve cholesterol
  • Improve blood pressure
  • Facilitate rehabilitation
  • Maintain stability and balance
  • Maintain posture
  • Facilitate stress relief
  • Support muscle toning
  • Improve cardiovascular function
  • Improve lung capacity
  • Support immune system
  • Socialize with walking companions
  • You determine the intensity of your workout

Learn more about Nordic walking at my Nordic Walking Guy blog and Nordic Walking Guy Facebook page.

Maintaining and fixing the spin (internal) locks of your adjustable Nordic walking poles

The video refers to trekking poles. The shafts and locks of adjustable trekking/hiking/walking poles are the same as the shafts and locks of adjustable Nordic walking poles

The video covers:
  • Fixing the lock when it doesn't tighten
  • Cleaning inside the poles

A reason to travel?

Found this on Twitter from @3JFitnessClub . A reason to spend some of those travel dollars.

Exercise and bipolar disorder

The Nordixx team found this article on exercise and bipolar disorder. A brief summary is below the embed for your convenience.

The article tracked the effect of exercise on patients with bipolar disorder. The article described a review of research studies.

Key point: "...for some people, adding exercise to their treatment plan can provide added benefits."

Supporting points:

  • "...for some people with bipolar disorder, exercise helped ease hypomanic symptoms, which are less severe than manic symptoms."
  • "It also helped people sleep better."
  • "...certain exercises could provide a calming effect for some people. These exercises include walking, running, and swimming."
The studies identified possible drawbacks:
  • "...for other people with bipolar disorder, exercise could exacerbate manic symptoms."
  • "It could cause a worsening 'spiraling' effect for both manic and hypomanic episodes."
It behooves patients to discuss it with their doctors. In general, "the Anxiety and Depression Association of America recommends working out for 30 minutes, 3-5 days per week."

Getting out doors

Notice the Nordic walkers pushing off with their poles. They combine exercise with enjoyment of nature.

Maintaining and fixing the snap (external) locks of your adjustable Nordic walking poles

The video refers to trekking poles. The shafts and locks of adjustable trekking/hiking/walking poles are the same as the shafts and locks of adjustable Nordic walking poles

The video covers:
  • Fixing the lock when it doesn't tighten
  • Cleaning inside the poles

Nordic walking meetup in Jefferson County (Aldridge Gardens) on 8/10

Join us on Saturday to find out what Nordic walking is all about! No charge; poles provided. Look for the white Nordic walking sign.
  • When: 9:00 AM, August 10
  • Where:  Aldridge Gardens. 3530 Lorna Rd, Hoover, AL 35216

We'll also connect people together to form walking groups so you can walk on your own with old and new friends.

Instructor: Leroy Hurt, ANWA-certified Advanced Nordic Walking instructor

Why Nordic walking?
  • Full body, low impact
  • Increase weight loss
  • Improve cholesterol
  • Improve blood pressure
  • Facilitate rehabilitation
  • Maintain stability and balance
  • Maintain posture
  • Facilitate stress relief
  • Support muscle toning
  • Improve cardiovascular function
  • Improve lung capacity
  • Support immune system
  • Socialize with walking companions
  • You determine the intensity of your workout

Learn more about Nordic walking at my Nordic Walking Guy blog and Nordic Walking Guy Facebook page.

Big hands and wrists? No problem!

A video from York Nordic showing you how to expand the glove strap to fit larger hands and wrists. Many thanks to Lauren DeLong!

Maintaining and fixing the spin (internal) locks of your adjustable Nordic walking poles

The video refers to trekking poles. The shafts and locks of adjustable trekking/hiking/walking poles are the same as the shafts and locks of adjustable Nordic walking poles

The video covers:
  • Fixing the lock when it doesn't tighten
  • Cleaning inside the poles

Nordic walking meetup in Tuscaloosa County (McAbee Center) on 7/20

Reveille at McAbee! Join us on Saturday to welcome another great day! No charge; poles provided. Look for the white Nordic walking sign.
  • When: 8:30 AM, July 20
  • Where:  McAbee Center. 3801 Loop Rd, Tuscaloosa, AL 35404
  • We'll meet in front of the McAbee Center.

We'll also connect people together to form walking groups so you can walk on your own with old and new friends.

Instructor: Leroy Hurt, ANWA-certified Advanced Nordic Walking instructor

Why Nordic walking?
  • Full body, low impact
  • Increase weight loss
  • Improve cholesterol
  • Improve blood pressure
  • Facilitate rehabilitation
  • Maintain stability and balance
  • Maintain posture
  • Facilitate stress relief
  • Support muscle toning
  • Improve cardiovascular function
  • Improve lung capacity
  • Support immune system
  • Socialize with walking companions
  • You determine the intensity of your workout

Learn more about Nordic walking at my Nordic Walking Guy blog and Nordic Walking Guy Facebook page.

Nordic walking by the Black Warrior River

Nordic walkers showed up early on Saturday, June 29, to enjoy a walk by the river.

Fall prevention is becoming a thing

More older people are dying from from falls, so much so the American Medical Association has taken notice.

Shocking statistic: "Nearly three times more adults age 75 and older died from falls in 2016 than in 2000."

Solution: "What’s needed to check this alarming trend, experts suggest, is a more personalized approach to preventing falls, more involvement by medical practitioners and better ways to motivate older adults to take action."

What to do about it:
  • "Get a fall risk assessment."
  • "Get a personalized plan."
  • "Be careful during transitions."

Double amputee who teaches Nordic walking

Not only inspirational, this story illustrates the power of Nordic walking as an exercise activity. I have personally worked with people recovering from strokes. I've also seen how the wheelchair-bound can take advantage of the poles and how a woman with scoliosis was able to get in a good walk.

Improve every time you go out

This is more of an ad by Nordixx for their poles, but it contains a useful tip for tracking your progress every time you go out.

Different types of terrain

Notice the Nordic walkers in this photo. On trails they pay more attention to balance in the rough spots and then push off where the trail evens out.

The places you'll go

You can Nordic walk anywhere. Imagine warming up in the shadow of that windmill.

Nordic walking meetup in Tuscaloosa County (The Park at Manderson Landing) on 6/29

Join us on Saturday to find out what Nordic walking is all about! No charge; poles provided. Look for the white Nordic walking sign.
  • When: 7:30 AM, June 29
  • Where: The Park at Manderson Landing. 9 Jack Warner Pkwy, Tuscaloosa, AL 35401

We'll also connect people together to form walking groups so you can walk on your own with old and new friends.

Instructor: Leroy Hurt, ANWA-certified Advanced Nordic Walking instructor

Why Nordic walking?
  • Full body, low impact
  • Increase weight loss
  • Improve cholesterol
  • Improve blood pressure
  • Facilitate rehabilitation
  • Maintain stability and balance
  • Maintain posture
  • Facilitate stress relief
  • Support muscle toning
  • Improve cardiovascular function
  • Improve lung capacity
  • Support immune system
  • Socialize with walking companions
  • You determine the intensity of your workout

Learn more about Nordic walking at my Nordic Walking Guy blog and Nordic Walking Guy Facebook page.

A great Nordic walking day at Aldridge Gardens

Everyone took to Nordic walking like naturals.

It's okay to grow old

Reverse hair-dyeing, coloring one's normally non-graying hair gray comes across as not honoring one's physical makeup. However, it's Ashton Applewhite's effort to raise awareness about ageism.

Key point: ... it is not the passage of time that makes it so hard to get older, it’s ageism: a totally illogical prejudice that pits us against our future selves."

In addition to how she thinks society looks at older people, she also identified internalized ageism, the way aging people look at themselves and do things like lie on resumes or dye their hair to remove the gray.

Some surprising factoids about aging:

  • "...people are happiest at the beginning and the end of their lives."
  • "...despite the fear that most of us have of care homes, the vast majority of people over 65 live independently."

The drawback of stereotyping aging: "...ageism will pit us against each other: it will rob society of an immense accrual of knowledge and experience; and it will poison our futures by framing longer, healthier lives as problems instead of the remarkable achievements and opportunities they represent."

Her answer: "...look at our own attitudes towards age and ageing because most bias is unconscious and we can’t challenge bias without thinking about it. All change starts within."

Audio CD

Another use for Nordic walking poles

In the Army, it's arched sabers, and, in some weddings, the last saber-bearers lower their sabers to block the passage and request the bride and groom kiss.

Maintaining and fixing the snap (external) locks of your adjustable Nordic walking poles

The video refers to trekking poles. The shafts and locks of adjustable trekking/hiking/walking poles are the same as the shafts and locks of adjustable Nordic walking poles

The video covers:
  • Fixing the lock when it doesn't tighten
  • Cleaning inside the poles

Microbiomes? What are those?

I came across an interesting article about microbiomes in athletes. That seems pretty esoteric, doesn't it? We all have our own microbiomes, microbes in our guts that protect against germs and break down food. It turns out, negative impacts to our microbiomes can make our lives quite difficult.

It turns out research has shown "athletes had more diverse microbiomes than healthy nonathletes." It's not clear yet why that's so, but it does raise a couple of questions Nordic walkers should find interesting.

  • Do athletes get that way because of exercise or other reasons?
  • If by exercise, how much or how intense is the exercise that leads to this quality?
  • If by exercise, would regular Nordic walking contribute to a healthy microbiome?

Perhaps research will quickly yield some answers. Until then, happy walking!

Time to move!

Key point: "…the most effective, potent way that we can improve quality of life and duration of life is exercise."

Important points:
  • "…many positive changes occur throughout the body during and right after a workout."
  • "…only 20% of Americans get the recommended 150 minutes of strength and cardiovascular physical activity per week."
  • "…more than half of all Baby Boomers report doing no exercise whatsoever."
  • "…80.2 million Americans over age 6 are entirely inactive."
  • "People with low levels of physical activity are at higher risk for many different kinds of cancer, heart disease, Alzheimer's disease and early death by any cause."
  • "…the scientific benefits of exercise--slower aging, better mood, less chronic pain, stronger vision, the list goes on--are real, measurable and almost immediate."
  • "…exercise is, as of now, the best way to prevent or delay the onset of Alzheimer's."

How to you carve out time to exercise so you can reap the benefits? That's what I like about Nordic walking. Because it turns walking into a full body activity, I know I'm involving all parts of my body in a single activity. Because I know I'm exercising as soon as I walk out the door and Nordic walk in my neighborhood, I can save the time it takes to drive to the gym.

Incredible shrinking people

Sarcopenia happens as we age, but it doesn't have to be that way. Why does it happen, and what can we do about it?

Why it matters:
  • "Loss of muscle mass is associated with—and possibly preceded by—muscle weakness, which can make carrying out daily activities, such as climbing stairs or even getting up from a chair, difficult for many seniors."
  • "This can lead to inactivity, which itself leads to muscle loss at any age."
  • "Thus, older people can enter a vicious cycle that will eventually lead to an increased risk of falls, a loss of independence, and even premature death."

The antidote: "…exercise can stave off and even reverse muscle loss and weakness."

How sarcopenia happens.

Muscle stem cells:
  • "…muscle growth and repair are made possible only by the presence of muscle stem cells."

Mitochondrial contributors:
  • "To work efficiently, skeletal muscle needs a sufficient number of fully functional mitochondria."
  • "…mitochondrial dysfunction may be driving sarcopenia."

Protein quality control:
  • "Even if they eat plenty of protein, older people often cannot maintain muscle mass, probably because their bodies cannot turn proteins into muscle fast enough to keep up with the natural rate of the tissue’s breakdown."

Role of exercise in countering sarcopenia:
  • "…the number of satellite cells can be increased by exercise, and active elderly people have more of these cells than more-sedentary individuals do."
  • "A lack of exercise decreases the efficiency and number of mitochondria in skeletal muscle, while exercise promotes mitochondrial health."
  • "Exercise can even spur muscle cells to maintain more-youthful levels of gene transcripts and proteins."
  • "Exercise also appears to influence autophagy."
  • "…exercise can also apparently restore levels of myokines that decline with age."

Overall benefit of exercise:
  • "…exercise can improve overall strength in the elderly, and specifically, the metabolic vigor of skeletal muscle."
  • "…regular exercise combined with good nutrition is still the most effective way to fight sarcopenia, and possibly aging overall."

What kind of exercise? "…high intensity interval training in aerobic exercises such as biking and walking had the greatest effect at the cellular level at combating age-related loss and weakness."

How can you do interval training when you're Nordic walking?
  • Use a route that has small hills/inclines and try to maintain your pace uphill.
  • When in a group, line up single file and walk at a moderate pace. Have the person at the end of the line walk forward at a faster pace. When that person gets to the head of the line, the next person (now that the rear) walks forward to the head of the line. Repeat until everyone has had a chance to do the routine.