It's okay to grow old

Reverse hair-dyeing, coloring one's normally non-graying hair gray comes across as not honoring one's physical makeup. However, it's Ashton Applewhite's effort to raise awareness about ageism.

Key point: ... it is not the passage of time that makes it so hard to get older, it’s ageism: a totally illogical prejudice that pits us against our future selves."

In addition to how she thinks society looks at older people, she also identified internalized ageism, the way aging people look at themselves and do things like lie on resumes or dye their hair to remove the gray.

Some surprising factoids about aging:

  • "...people are happiest at the beginning and the end of their lives."
  • "...despite the fear that most of us have of care homes, the vast majority of people over 65 live independently."

The drawback of stereotyping aging: "...ageism will pit us against each other: it will rob society of an immense accrual of knowledge and experience; and it will poison our futures by framing longer, healthier lives as problems instead of the remarkable achievements and opportunities they represent."

Her answer: "...look at our own attitudes towards age and ageing because most bias is unconscious and we can’t challenge bias without thinking about it. All change starts within."

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