Inspiration for Nordic walking

A sentiment from a 24-hour Nordic walking challenge. Here's a translated quotation (sorry - it's Internet-assisted, so it's a bit spotty):
I started by saying that I wasn't going to talk about a competition, but it's not true. It has been a competition. A competition in which the rivals have not been other people worried about going stronger and faster. 
The rivals are laziness, the alienating routine, the typical social common place of “it is necessary to be crazy to play sports under this rain and this cold”, the lack of curiosity about new experiences, “I will start tomorrow with the sport, which today it hurts me "," that is for elite and very competitive athletes ", the" buff, I have a mess of agenda that does not give me life ", etc, etc, etc.  
With things like the one we have done this weekend, it shows that if you try, sometimes (not always) you can achieve seemingly crazy, quirky or unattainable goals.