Nordic Walking Guy's 3 rules: Rule 1

What does it take to achieve your goals through Nordic walking? You need to follow these three rules to build fitness through Nordic walking.
  1. Walk with purpose!
  2. Be consistent!
  3. Don't eat like a teenager!
Nordic walking is fun, but you need to walk with purpose to get the most out of the activity. It's so fun, in fact, I tend to fall into daydreaming and letting my mind wander. There's nothing wrong with that, but, if I'm not careful, my purposeful stride will turn into a leisurely stroll. My stride shortens, and my arm swing slows.

That's not what I'm out there for.

I remind myself to get back on pace by looking forward toward where I'm going and trying to feel the push with my poles. Looking forward and feeling the push helps me get back into a purposeful stride. Feeling the push brings me back to what I'm out there for: to reap the benefits of Nordic walking.
It brings to mind how we get through our days. We stay focused on what we're trying to accomplish, and we can do that by looking forward to our goals and also by reinvigorating what we're doing to get to those goals.

One piece poles vs adjustable poles

Via Nordic Walking Blog, an argument for one-piece poles:
When it comes to Nordic walking, hiking and trekking poles, one-piece poles prove to be safer, lighter and much more durable. Skiers know that one-piece poles are the only option for skiing. And ski racers want one-piece poles that are light and yet super strong.  Cheap and flimsy 2-piece and 3-piece poles with twist-locks or flip-locks tend to rattle, vibrate and/or collapse unexpectedly.
Click the link to see more: NORDIC WALKING BLOG: Nordic Walking Poles - NOT All Nordic Walking, Hiking And Trekking Poles Are Created Equal
On the other hand, beginners will find adjustable poles useful for determining their best pole length. There are a couple of ways to determine pole length, but beginners would probably prefer to tweak the length as they walk until they’re satisfied with the length. Then they can feel confident about investing in a set of one-piece poles.

Nordic walking and osteoporosis

Via York Nordic, a short item about Nordic walking and osteoporosis: “With a new outlook on life and a fitter body that feels healthier and happier, Kay is on her way to completing a 21km half marathon with her Nordic Walking Poles.” Click the link to see more: Nordic Walker Spot Light… Kay - York Nordic Walking Poles - Top Quality Nordic Poles