Let's meet on April 23  to Nordic walk!

Hey there! Now that tax day is behind us, let's recover by taking a walk together! Come out for some Nordic walking, a fun and effective way to exercise. It’s also a great social activity because you can walk with other people and enjoy their company.

Dress for the weather and sun and bring some water. I'll bring the Nordic walking poles so you can burn calories, tone muscle, and improve overall health.

This will be a free session. For more information about Nordic walking, check out the Nordic Walking Guy blog and the Facebook page.

Are you a beginner and never Nordic walked? Don't worry. I'll take time to teach the technique so you can get started.

Instructor: Leroy Hurt, Associate Dean at The University of Alabama and a certified Nordic walking instructor
When: Saturday, April 23, 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM.
Location: Let's meet at the trailhead of Sokol Park (5901 Watermelon Rd, Northport, AL 35406). Directions:
·         North on Watermelon Road.
o    Right on Old Colony Road.
o    Left at the entrance to Sokol Park.
o    Park at the trailhead, an open shelter.
·         South on Watermelon Road
o    Left on Old Colony Road.
o    Left at the entrance to Sokol Park.
o    Park at the trailhead, an open shelter.

Here's a map of where we'll meet.

3 tips for walking with purpose

Here are 3 things to remember to help you walk with purpose, one of the Nordic Walking Guy's 3 principles.
  • Stand tall. Nordic walking encourages an erect posture.
  • Gear up. The right gear can help you benefit from the experience.
  • Let go. The poles take care of themselves.

Over time, we'll expand on those points.
In case you're interested: A book about nutrition and weight control that is quite popular. It's in Kindle, hardcover, paperback, and audio.

From the description: "He reveals the bad nutritional science of the last century—none more damaging or misguided than the “calories-in, calories-out” model of why we get fat—and the good science that has been ignored. He also answers the most persistent questions: Why are some people thin and others fat? What roles do exercise and genetics play in our weight? What foods should we eat, and what foods should we avoid? Persuasive, straightforward, and practical."