It doesn’t include an urge to take a selfie in front of a gym mirror
An interesting article found via Instapundit: A single exercise session can have positive effects on your brain.
Main points:
- “…physical activity may protect against neurodegeneration and other aging-related forms of cognitive impairment.”
- “…exercise was shown to increase levels of dopamine, epinephrine, norepinephrine, and serotonin.”
- “Dopamine helps the brain to learn and is involved in the rewarding circuits.”
- “…serotonin…relieves anxiety and depression.”
- “…a single exercise session seemed to increase levels of so-called neuromodulators. These include endogenous opioids and endocannabinoids - that is, "feel good" chemical substances that are naturally produced by the brain when we exercise. These account for the runner's high effect and exercise-induced states of euphoria.”
A good Nordic walking excursion, even around your neighborhood can create those changes. A bonus: you can socialize with a walking partner, gaining even more psychological benefit.