Nordic walking meetup in Jefferson County (McCallum Park) on 3/23
Join us on Saturday to find out what
Nordic walking is all about! No charge; poles provided. Look for the white
Nordic walking sign.
- When: 9:00 AM, March 23
- Where: McCallum Park. 3332 Rosemary Lane, Vestavia Hills, AL 35216
We'll also connect people together to form walking
groups so you can walk on your own with old and new friends.
Did you know 3/23 is National Puppy Day? I'll show you a way to Nordic walk with your 4-legged child.
Instructor: Leroy Hurt, ANWA-certified Advanced Nordic Walking instructor
Instructor: Leroy Hurt, ANWA-certified Advanced Nordic Walking instructor
Why Nordic walking?
- Full body, low impact
- Increase weight loss
- Improve cholesterol
- Improve blood pressure
- Facilitate rehabilitation
- Maintain stability and balance
- Maintain posture
- Facilitate stress relief
- Support muscle toning
- Improve cardiovascular function
- Improve lung capacity
- Support immune system
- Socialize with walking companions
- You determine the intensity of your workout
Learn more about
Nordic walking at my Nordic
Walking Guy blog and Nordic
Walking Guy Facebook page.