How to use walking to lose weight

Here are some tips from an article about using walking as a weight loss method

Main point: " absolutely can lose weight by walking, but you have to keep these things in mind to make the most of it."
  • Walk briskly
  • Walk farther
  • Vary your pace
  • Vary your route
  • Count calories accurately
  • Incorporate body weight movements/exercise into the walk
Nordic walking helps you put those tips to action. How is that?
  • Everyone using poles tells me they naturally walk faster.
  • You can increase your distance with little strain because researchers found that Nordic walkers don't feel like they're working harder even though the activity is engaging more muscles.
  • Because you walk faster, you can also slow down, customizing the intensity of the activity. My favorite way is to include hills in my route. My pace naturally varies without my having to think about it.
  • I can change routes in my neighborhood. You can also vary your route by walking in different parks in your community.
  • Counting calories? Nordic Walking Guy says "Don't eat like a teenager!" Once you get past that, there are many systems out there to help you be more accurate in managing your food intake.
  • Have you tried doing squats and lunges while Nordic walking? The poles give you support and balance.