Diuretic or not?

A recent study found that caffeine in drinks like coffee and soft drinks doesn’t dehydrate people as once thought. In other developments in caffeine studies, there is other research that suggests benefits from drinking coffee: “Research suggests that ingredients in coffee can protect against liver cancer, prevent the development of type 2 diabetes, lower blood pressure, and even combat dementia and depression.”

Popularity of Nordic walking around the world

This one from the United Kingdom

What is the purpose of your worksite wellness program?

Here are some ideas shared on this LinkedIn discussion question. The ideas come from people in different kinds of organizations.

  • “…help educate people to align themselves to their physical, mental and emotional body.”
  • “…give youth as young as early childhood the opportunity to train correctly, peer inclusion, discipline in conditioning and life, develop an education first mindset, learn and develop skill sets in different sports.”
  • “…support every employee's emotional, mental, physical and spiritual health and create an environment where they thrive.”
  • “…foster an inclusive and supportive workplace culture.”

Notice the high level view that sees wellness programs affecting corporate culture.