Nordic walking and breast cancer survivors: Reducing lymphedema 

A summary of research:

Nordic walking and earthquake recovery

Nordic walking has a role in helping Japanese earthquake victims recover from the big earthquake.

Nordic Walking for breast cancer survivors

I came across the abstracts from the International Nordic Walking Federation's annual conference. Here is some information from one of the presentations. This one was by Andrea Di Blasio, Ph.D., M.Sc., B.Sc. Department of Medicine and Aging Sciences and "G. d’Annunzio” University of Chieti-Pescara, Italy INWA Instructor and Cristina Castro Gonzales, BSc(Hons) Sport, Health & Exercise Science and BSc(Hons) Radiotherapy & Oncology ,INWA National Trainer, Bilbao, Spain.

The study sought to determine the usefulness of Nordic walking for breast cancer survivors to facilitate recovery and future health. Results of the study yielded comprehensive benefits in
correcting faulty posture, balancing muscle chain lengths, enhancing elasticity and strength, improving general physical fitness, reducing mental distress, and activating the immune system.

Participants were also able to increase their range of motion, increase total body muscle endurance, and improve cardio-metabolic was well as postural and balance measures.

The researchers saw Nordic walking as useful against lymphedema (swelling in the arms and legs due to the effects of cancer treatment of the lymph nodes).