Saturday songlist 

#NordicWalkingGuy reaches back for another way to walk, slowing it down a little to 103 BPM.

Start your day with a win

This post from a Nordic walking pole distributor I like made me think of the connection with exercise and one's mood the rest of the day.

I find I have a more positive outlook the rest of the day if I have a win of some kind at the start. A win can even be something small. For me, it's achieving some exercise goal.

With Nordic walking it might be completing my target distance, achieving my target pace, or even just getting my heart rate into a higher zone. A major win is starting off with a high glucose level and seeing it drop after a walk.It becomes a challenge to lower that level with a shorter work, sort of an efficiency project.

What can be your first win of the day?

Nordic walking meetup in Jefferson County on 8/18

Start your day with us on Saturday at 8:30 AM to find out what Nordic walking is all about! No charge; poles provided.  New exercises you can do with the poles!

Look for the white Nordic walking sign.
  • When: 8:30 AM; August 18
  • Where: Cahaba River Walk, 3529 Overton Rd, Mountain Brook, AL 35223

Instructor: Leroy Hurt, ANWA-certified Advanced Nordic Walking instructor

Why Nordic walking?
  • Full body, low impact
  • Increase weight loss
  • Improve cholesterol
  • Improve blood pressure
  • Facilitate rehabilitation
  • Maintain stability and balance
  • Maintain posture
  • Facilitate stress relief
  • Support muscle toning
  • Improve cardiovascular function
  • Improve lung capacity
  • Support immune system
  • Socialize with walking companions
  • You determine the intensity of your workout

What if the Nordic walking bug does bite you, and you just have to have your own poles right then and there? There will be some poles available for purchase (cash, check only).

Click here for a full schedule of meetups.

Learn more about Nordic walking at my Nordic Walking Guy blog and Nordic Walking Guy Facebook page.

Can't make it to a meetup? Contact me via the blog or Facebook links above, and we'll arrange a small group orientation with you and some friends.
Saturday songlist

#NordicWalkingGuy will be breathing hard after walking 500 miles at 133 BPM.

Get moving!

From a Nordic walking pole distributor I use, a reminder that exercise has positive benefits.

Saturday Songlist

At least you can walk with somebody at 120 BPM.


Useful information from a favorite Nordic walking pole supplier.

Saturday Songlist

Bon Jovi will put a spring in your step at 120 BPM.