Nordic walking sampler in Tuscaloosa County on June 17
Find out what Nordic walking is all about. Check out my posts from the National Senior Games at Nordic Walking Guy on Facebook.
When: June 17 at 10 AM
Where: Sokol Park (Trail Head, 5901 Watermelon Road, Northport)
No charge. Poles provided. Dress for the weather, and bring some water.
Instructor: Leroy Hurt, ANWA-certified Advanced Nordic Walking instructor
Why Nordic walking?
- Full body, low impact
- Increase weight loss
- Improve cholesterol
- Improve blood pressure
- Facilitate rehabilitation
- Maintain stability and balance
- Maintain posture
- Facilitate stress relief
- Support muscle toning
- Improve cardiovascular function
- Improve lung capacity
- Support immune system
- Socialize with walking companions
- You determine the intensity of your workout