You're the iquana, and you're at the grocery store.
You turned the corner without paying attention, and suddenly you're in the...snack food aisle.
You turned the corner without paying attention, and suddenly you're in the...snack food aisle.
Shelves full of junk food on one side. Refrigerator units full of soda pops.
Keep walking and don't stop.
Psst! Some Kit Kats here.
Hey! Come get us Pringles.
Oy. You need us Lay's chips.
Yeah! That's it. Put us Chips Ahoy in your cart. Gotcha! No, don't put us back on the shelf!
Come grab one of us Coke cans! Only 40 grams of sugar!
Wait! You're getting to close to the end of the aisle! Turn around. Come check us Tostitos out!
Whew! You made it through the snack food aisle.
Whew! You made it through the snack food aisle.
So how do you deal with junk food temptation? Run, baby, run!